The Scary State of Our Nation: Pt 1 of 2

The past couple of weeks have had us traveling and spending a lot of time with family. First, we flew to Northern Wisconsin where I spent my childhood to attend my older Sister’s wedding. We spent most of our time with family in the Northwoods near Blockhouse and Butternut Lakes in Price County, WI. From there we traveled to Yosemite National Park to celebrate my Sister-in-law’s 10-year Anniversary. Finally returning home for a visit from my oldest daughter Payton. Spending time with family can be nice, but being out of ones element can get them thinking and this is exactly what happened to me.

So much of my life gets wrapped up in Prepping and producing the next piece of viable content for one of my Social Media channels, setting up another deal for the Caliber Club or even just working on projects around my own property. The time away from all of that provided me the opportunity to ponder, and ponder is what I did. The first thing I started to consider was home-schooling. This has been weighing very heavily on my mind, for some time. The Prescott Caliber Club loves children and feels that our kids need to have their minds stimulated and excited for real practical learning and I do not believe that is what our children are getting in today’s Education System. Additionally, the thought of my little boy being forced to sit in a seat and be quiet for hours at a time breaks my heart. I have a soft spot for our little boys and they need to run and be adventurous, they need to slay a dragon and save the day! What they don’t need is to sit down and be quiet while someone else teaches them values that we ourselves do not believe. What is left of this country if not for our heritage, culture or our children? And “they” know it.

This line of thought of course brings me back to Prepping and my belief that one of the most fundamental breakdowns in America has been that of the family unit. It seems as though single parent households as well as multiple-parent households are just accepted as normal. I do not want my child learning any of this disfunction as normal. These are not healthy ways to function as a human being. It got me thinking about the future of our country and what this place is going to look like when my Son is my age. I fear it will not be recognizable and I know that the place where I grew up is now saddled with drug addiction, broken families and a nearly 40% reduction in population. What is going on with this country? Where are we going wrong? Our wholesome small towns are being swallowed up by urban plagues and inner-city-life idolization. We lost the fight already and we don’t even know it. There are no more white picket fences for those who want to go after the American Dream, it’s all but a distant memory of generations past.

The last week or so has also begun to spark some true concern for not only those in the Prepper community, but those outside of it as well. California has now started to normalize power outages and off-grid living as it has begun to warn residents to be prepared for power outages lasting up to many days due to their wild fires. Additionally, there have been a couple of earthquakes in rapid succession which has everyone asking, is the BIG ONE coming? For me I’m not worried about the earthquakes even though they could be a major factor in the coming days or weeks; I have some bigger and more diabolical concerns that I will discuss in next week’s Caliber Club Talks blog post.

The Prescott Caliber Club is working diligently to get our Emergency Preparedness Inventory Online and we urge you to visit our online store at and start Preparing Today before it’s too late!

For those of you who are in need of more specialized products or supplies, please feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to help produce custom orders of products that we do not typically carry. Anything we can do to help those be more prepared for what may be ahead!

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